
4 Jan 2023

Have you ever been ghosted by friend, enemy, frenemy, especially employers or recruiters in corporate world? Ghosting is a new term in modern communication and common among millennials. I found it common in the corporate world too, especially in the employment and recruiting business, among recruiters and aspiring recruits. Let us discuss more about this modern term ghosting in present story of Ghosts of Corporate World: Unintentional Emotional Hurt, which leads to slow psychological damage!
Ghosting, common among younger individuals. It is just the sudden and abrupt ending of communication between two people with or without reason and prior intimation. This phenomenon is possible in romantic, platonic and work related settings
Reasons for ghosting
It is not good to blame the person who ghosted you as there may be certain reasons or issues on their side as well. There is a psychology behind ghosting. The reasons are as follows:
Ghosts are mature enough, emotionally tough and playing safe not to hurt you by explanations of reasons of ghosting
Ghosts are in trouble or met an accident or so
Ghosts have some personnel issues which kept them from contacting
Ghosts are not good at handling normal conversation to end things properly and logically

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