18 Apr 2024

Our Vision

In the realm of evolving technological advancements, Artificial Intelligence (AI) stands as a monumental milestone, heralding a new era of innovation and possibility. Its transformative impact is far-reaching, redefining human-machine interactions and offering unprecedented solutions to complex problems. AI's capability to analyze vast datasets and identify patterns invisible to the human eye is revolutionizing how we approach challenges and opportunities. This evolution marks a pivotal moment in history, as AI becomes an integral part of the global infrastructure, paving the way for a future brimming with potential.
The integration of AI into the realm of cryptocurrency promises to catalyze a paradigm shift in how digital assets are managed, traded, and secured. AI's profound analytical capabilities can enhance the accuracy of market predictions, automate trading strategies, and offer deeper insights into the ever-fluctuating crypto markets. By leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI can proactively detect and thwart security threats, ensuring the integrity and resilience of blockchain networks. This convergence is a transformative fusion that will redefine the very essence of cryptocurrency operations.
The immense power of AI should not be confined to a select few. Embracing the principles of Web3, which advocates for a decentralized and user-governed internet, the integration of AI can lead to a more democratic, transparent, and inclusive digital future. In the context of AI safety, decentralizing AI aligns with the ethos of distributing power and decision-making, mitigating the risks of concentrated control and bias. This democratization ensures that AI's benefits are accessible to all, fostering an environment where technology serves the many. By combining AI with Web3's decentralized framework, we can create a digital ecosystem that is not only more secure and equitable but also aligns with the fundamental values of democracy and community empowerment.
However, the recent developments concerning the OpenAI board have intensified concerns about the concentration of AI power in the hands of a few. This situation highlights the critical importance of democratizing AI, ensuring that the development and application of this technology are not monopolized by a select group.
Building on the ethos of democratizing AI and reshaping the crypto landscape, QnA3.AI stands as a beacon of community-driven innovation. Our vision is deeply rooted in the belief that AI technology should be universally accessible, not held by a select few. In alignment with this philosophy, our tokenomics are meticulously crafted to ensure equitable distribution: we retain only a modest stake for our team, symbolizing our commitment to minimal ownership. The majority is dedicated to the community at large, including users, developers, and partners, fostering a shared sense of ownership and collaboration. This strategy not only aligns with the overarching themes of AI transformation and cryptocurrency integration but also boldly underlines our commitment to a future where QnA3.AI is a universally accessible, ever-evolving community asset

Our Utility

In the information-rich era of Web3, the challenge of information fragmentation and overload is a significant hurdle. With a constant influx of data on various crypto assets, projects, and trends, it's challenging for average users to sift through this extensive sea of information to find valuable insights for their investment decisions. This situation often leaves users overwhelmed and unsure about making informed investment choices.
QnA3.AI tackles this challenge head-on by providing a one-click gateway to the vast world of Web3 information and knowledge. This accessibility is pivotal in enabling regular users to engage in cryptocurrency investment decisions more rationally and intelligently. QnA3.AI doesn't just offer access to information; it also provides sophisticated logical analysis capabilities, allowing users to not only gather data but also to understand and interpret it effectively.
Leveraging the advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs), the QnA3 team has masterfully integrated cutting-edge data engineering with the advanced logical analysis skills of these models. Our system filters through extensive data, recompiling and restructuring it to deliver not only accurate information but also insightful analysis. This functionality is key in helping users eliminate noise and gain meaningful insights, thereby assisting them in building robust cognitive systems and frameworks for decision-making.
Beyond information gathering and analysis, QnA3.AI closes the functional loop by offering comprehensive one-click trading capabilities. Users can seamlessly transition from learning and analysis to executing actual trading actions, thereby applying their newly acquired knowledge in practical scenarios.
Over the past six months, the QnA3 team has introduced the crypto industry's most intelligent AI Q&A bots, the most professional technical analysis bots, and comprehensive asset trading capabilities to the Web3 world. We believe that user intent can be summarized into three steps: "information gathering," "information analysis," and "executing actual trading actions." The QnA3 Bot assists in realizing user intent through "question answering," "technical analysis," and "real-time trading" functionalities.

📦Product Overview

After accumulating hundreds of thousands of Q&A datapoints through our 1.0 product, the QnA3 team has realized that a user's expressed intent is often not their true intent but rather a pathway. For example, a user may express the intent to buy a popular token, and several Intent-Centric products exist that can facilitate the buying and selling of tokens through machines on behalf of users. However, by probing deeper into the questions asked by users, it becomes evident that the real intent is "to make money by trading a popular token," and the specific token involved is not the only option; moreover, the majority of users' beliefs and decisions regarding a particular token during the trading process are susceptible to disruption by market information and sentiment.

AI Agent

QnA3 provides exceptional AI Q&A services through our SOTA model's ability to comprehend user queries and our proprietary web3 industry knowledge graph. We help users to structure and navigate through market hotspots, eliminate information asymmetries, and construct their investment logic.

Technical Analysis

QnA3 offers real-time crypto technical indicators and a vast database of market news, providing users with detailed technical analysis to help them understand market trends.

Trading System

QnA3 offers a very straightforward and efficient trading functionality, allowing users to perform purchase operations after analyzing tokens on the platform. QnA3 automatically provides users with trading channels that offer the lowest slippage and transaction fees, helping users to carry out their investment operations at minimal costs.

💰About $GPT Token

Qna3.AI stands at the forefront of empowering users to seamlessly navigate and leverage the Web3 landscape. Our mission is to provide effortless and one-click access to the vast world of Web3, bridging the gap between knowledge and practical application in investment trading. At the heart of our platform is a deep understanding of the needs of Web3 users, which drives our commitment to simplifying their journey and integrating knowledge acquisition with advanced trading functionalities. The GPT token is instrumental within our community, unlocking AI features and entrusting users with governance capabilities.

Extended Query Quotas

Addressing the needs of our most engaged users, QnA3.AI offers the facility to utilize GPT for obtaining additional query quotas. This extends beyond standard queries to include the TG Bot quota, ensuring continuous access to information and support.

Interactive Question Engagement

"Horse Racing," QnA3.AI's innovative feature, allows users to use GPT for predicting and betting on the week's trending questions. This gamified approach offers users chances to earn credits to boost question visibility and popularity, culminating in a competitive 'winner-takes-all' event for the most popular question.

Advertisement and Sponsorship

Utilizing GPT, users can purchase advertisement slots on the trending search list, such as sponsored questions, enhancing the visibility of their content. When these slots are financed with fiat currency, the proceeds are redirected into the ecosystem via a GPT buy-back program, bolstering the GPT's value.

Incentives Tied to Trading Functions

In our endeavor to augment the GPT's utility, we are integrating trading features that reward GPT holders with a share of transaction fee dividends. Further, periodic GPT buy-backs are planned to redistribute additional rewards to our community.

Enhanced Governance and User Experience

The ve33 model at QnA3.AI takes GPT usage beyond transactions, empowering users with governance rights through 'vetoken' obtained from staking GPT. This model enriches the user experience by granting influence over platform decisions and offering a more personalized interaction, including listing and tipping rights. It represents a holistic approach where GPT holders actively shape and enhance the community ecosystem.

Exclusive Content Access

This function, which involves offering research reports as NFTs available through GPT transactions, is still under development. This feature adds an exclusive dimension to our content, aligning the GPT economy with the intellectual offerings of our community.

🏦Our Governance DAO and Ethical Committee

In the heart of QnA3.AI's operations lies our Governance DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), a testament to our commitment to democratizing AI technology and ensuring its safe, ethical, and equitable development and use. Our governance structure is crafted with key principles and actions that set us apart in the AI landscape.

Learning from Industry Pioneers

Reflecting on recent developments in the AI industry, notably the OpenAI board's restructuring, we recognize the critical importance of diversified governance. Our DAO ensures that decision-making power doesn't rest solely in the hands of a few but is distributed across a wider community. This structure fosters transparency and inclusivity, ensuring our decisions reflect the diverse needs and ethical considerations of our user base.

Commitment to AI Safety

We place utmost priority on AI safety. Our governance framework is rigorously designed to review and manage the ethical implications of AI developments. We actively incorporate safety protocols and ethical guidelines into our AI models, prioritizing the well-being and privacy of our users.

Founder Ethical Stance

Emphasizing our ethical commitment, our founders have taken a bold stance to forego salaries. This decision underlines our dedication to reinvesting resources back into the community and R&D, ensuring that our growth aligns with our users' and the broader AI community's best interests.

Community Engagement and Expert Interaction

QnA3.AI is more than a platform; it's a community. Located in the Bay Area, we regularly organize workshops and online AMA sessions, fostering direct interaction between our users and leading AI experts. These events provide valuable insights, foster collaboration, and ensure that our community is well-informed and engaged in the evolving AI landscape.

💻Technology Advisory Committee

Distinguished Advisory Board

Our advisory board is a who’s who of the AI and tech industry, featuring luminaries from OpenAI, DeepMind, Amazon, Apple, Meta, NVIDIA, Scale.ai, Luma.ai, and esteemed academic institutions like Stanford, Berkeley, and Northwestern. This diverse panel brings a wealth of knowledge, ensuring that QnA3.AI stays at the forefront of AI development and adheres to the highest standards of innovation and ethics.
Through these initiatives, QnA3.AI's Governance DAO is not just a governing body but a beacon of responsible AI development. We are charting a course that balances technological advancement with ethical responsibility, community engagement, and AI safety, ensuring our platform remains a trusted and progressive force in the AI ecosystem.

📈Token Sales and Tokenomics

Our Tokenomics:

OKX Jumpstart


Unlock Day 0


1.5% (in 3 rounds)

First Airdrop 0.5% Unlock Day0,
Second Airdrop 0.5% unlock day 30,
Third Airdrop 0.5% unlock day 60

Market Maker


Unlock Day 0

Protocol Development


3.5% Unlock Day 0. Rest 4 Years Vesting



1 Year Cliff + 3~5 Years Vesting



1 Year Cliff + 4 Years Vesting



1 Year Cliff + 4 Years Vesting

AI Ecosystem Fund


1 Year Cliff + 6 Years Vesting



4 Years Vesting

Airdrop Allocation:

Your activity & credits determine your share. We're ensuring the most active among you are rewarded fittingly, with bot accounts filtered out for fairness.

You would be eligible for Airdrop if ANY of the 3 conditions met:

Active Participants:

Our snapshot was taking on 25 Jan, 2024, participants with enough engagement will be rewarded. Early Birds who joined us before 3 Dec, 2023 will get EXTRA tiered rewards based on activity levels.

Deep Engagers:

Participants who demonstrate exceptional interactions including daily voting, checking-in, asking questions and mining.

Global Ambassadors:

All official ambassadors will be granted for your contribution.

🎯Activity Rules

At QnA3.AI, we've developed a dynamic engagement system designed to reward active participation and foster a vibrant community. Our activity rules encompass various interactions within the platform, each with its unique reward structure to enhance user experience and contribution.


1.Asking a Question: Engage with the community by asking insightful questions. Each question posted costs 1 credit from your custodian wallet.
2.Voting on Answers: Play a role in curating the best answers. Upvoting or downvoting an answer earns you 1 credit in your custodian wallet, incentivizing thoughtful participation.


1.Casting Votes: Users are encouraged to vote on questions, with the option to vote multiple times on a single question. Each vote deducts 5 credits from your external wallet.
2.Weekly Voting Rewards: The voting cycle concludes weekly. The top three questions are awarded credits - 20,000 for the first, 10,000 for the second, and 2,000 for the third - distributed equally among their voters in their external wallets.


1. Daily Check-ins: Consistency is rewarded. Starting with 10 credits on Day 1, the reward for daily check-ins increases by 2 credits each day, culminating in 72 credits on Day 7, all credited to your external wallet.


1.Referrals: Earn 20 credits in your external wallet for each new user you successfully invite to join QnA3.AI. This incentive is designed to encourage the expansion of our vibrant community.
2.Ambassador Rewards: Beyond the initial referral, as an Ambassador, you are entitled to additional rewards. These include a percentage of the credits accrued from the activities of your invitees, such as their check-ins and further referrals. This system is set up to acknowledge and reward your role in actively growing and nurturing our community network.

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