Apillon Airdrop - Free NCTR Crypto

5 May 2024

Participating in an airdrop can be an exciting way to engage with new blockchain projects and potentially earn rewards.

If you're interested in the Apillon Airdrop, here's a concise guide to help you get started:
1. Register on the Platform: Visit the official Apillon airdrop page and create an account by submitting your email.
2. Email Verification: Check your inbox for a verification email from Apillon and follow the instructions to verify your email address.
3. Now click on “Enter NCTR Airdrop“ button on the Dashboard.
4. Set Up Your Wallet: Connect an Astar-compatible wallet, such as Metamask, to your Apillon account. This is where you'll receive your NCTR tokens.
5. Now you will get 10 NCTR tokens.
6. Engage with Tasks: Complete optional tasks offered by Apillon, such as creating a project or uploading files, to earn additional NCTR tokens.
7. Referral Program: You can also earn extra tokens by referring friends to the platform. Ensure your referrals are active on the platform to qualify for these rewards.
8. Wait for TGE: The Token Generation Event (TGE) is when the rewards will be distributed.

Keep an eye on the official timeline and be patient. Remember, it's important to engage with the platform genuinely and follow all the guidelines provided by Apillon. Participating in an airdrop is not only about earning free tokens but also about being part of a growing community and supporting the project. For more detailed information, you can visit the official Apillon website or read their Medium articles for updates and instructions. Happy airdropping!

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