video beach holidays

12 Feb 2024

me on my holidays in my home town and one town over also the amry fight for us i hope the amry can defend us remember who we are and stuff they defended for us our freedom nice thing on the beach they did for people to look at it was a lovely day at the beach the family of my sister came down my tyler play roblox on my laptop and lexi and aira was watching there tablets and going for swims and riding there push bikes to he must of played roblox to 11pm at night he is a night time gamer and stays up late on the holidays i dont know what time they go to bed tlyer on a school night a lexi in prep now i think she is loving it this was the first night being down at the beach with me and my dad i was hoping to earn some crypto because i dont have much left but on the other hand i like what im doing for blockchain blogs and stuff like peakd or lens social to i got many platform i can post on to i got 8 platforms i can stream to all at once with a big bitrate of i think it was 14000 max and stream to 8 spots at once on streamster for life time i hope you like my story about the beach and my kids and family

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