10 Jan 2024
SEC shares the approval of #BitcoinETF before its official account. It is then said that the SEC's social media account was seized and hacked, and it is announced that the #SEC has not yet approved spot Bitcoin Exchange Traded Funds (ETF). #BitcoinETFs

Of course, in this process, bags of profiteering is done.

The religious faith of the USA is money. Just as the US Department of Justice imposed a fine on Binance, the SEC, in its own mind, imposed a fine on Bitcoin. There is no such thing as approving the Bitcoin ETF for free. You will see the big brothers first. They literally made fun of it and slapped the investors. $BTC

Friends, unfortunately, such institutions always abuse their duties and take their positions in advance. This is the case everywhere, from the Central Banks to the SEC in most countries. Since these are the decision makers, the inner circle and supporters find their way.

SEC-style institutions always deliver the goods in the background. He licks his finger holding honey.

Somehow this approval will come, and then nothing will be the same. #BTC

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