Airdrop Activities: Drip Hause

14 Dec 2023

Earn Collectables, Collect Drips, and Increase your Solana Activity 

In the next part of our multi article piece on airdrops we’ll be looking at DripHause. Providing a way for creators to get eastblished and participants to earn free collectables, this is a way to explore some art and earn some free NFT’s. Let’s have a look. 


The concept is extremely simple. Users collect “Drips” which are used to reward creators. Creators will then give away collectibles to users which are airdropped straight to your wallet of choice. This project is Solana powered so you can use your existing wallet with a new account. 

Find and Join DripHause via this link

You’ll need an invite code or a balance of at least .1 on your Solana Wallet.
Once you’re in, claim your daily droplets. You can do this every six hours

There’s also a treasure chest which gives you the chance of winning a rare or legendary collectible. You can collect this once a day. 

Once you’ve done this, you’ll need to explore the artists and follow their feeds. You can select your own path here. 

Once you’ve followed your artist, you’ll need to reward them with drips. Spread the love, increase your chances of obtaining collectibles. 

You can do this by using the thanks button. Give it some time, and check your wallet. You should see airdrops within. 

And there you have it! Check in daily for max activity and to increase your chances of obtaining rare collectibles. 

We have 3 more articles dropping about airdrop activities on Solana. Don’t forget to subscribe for the latest airdrop information and to increase your chances of landing free tokens. 

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