Airdrop Series : Chapter 2 (Web3Go Reiki)

10 Jan 2024
Reiki is a revolutionary AI-powered platform that seeks to harness the immense power of data to drive innovation and progress. By seamlessly integrating cutting-edge AI technology with an intuitive user interface, Reiki enables users to unleash their creativity and unlock the full potential of their data. From data analysis and visualization to predictive modeling and machine learning, Reiki offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features designed to empower businesses, researchers, and creatives alike.

For joining Web3Go Reiki Airdrop Event

➖Connect Your BSC Wallet
➖Mint Web3Go Passport
➖Claim your welcome gifts (to claim your welcome gifts, you must first mint a Reiki's Passport. Once you have minted your passport and entered the task board, you will receive your welcome gift!)
➖Go to Leaves » Collect the Leaves
➖Complete Quiz & Earn Leaves
📌Must Check in and collect Leaves Daily. For Daily check in,no need fee. Binance Lab invested Project

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