Arbitrum Ecosystem: Silent Drops

31 Mar 2024

Arbitrum is a Layer 2 blockchain designed to enhance Ethereum smart contract capabilities by improving their speed, scalability, and adding additional features.
The project’s goal, like other L2 projects, is to improve Ethereum network performance and address the blockchain trilemma.
In the Arbitrum blockchain, the same tools as Ethereum are used, allowing DApp developers to deploy applications on Ethereum quickly, easily, and securely using Arbitrum.
Arbitrum is also an optimistic rollup, aimed at scalability and storing minimal data on the network.
In terms of investments, the project raised $130 million back in August 2021 from LightSpeed Ventures, Pantera, PolyChain, Alameda Research, and other major funds.
Recently, the Dencun update was released, reducing fees on the ARB network to ~$0.05 and increasing interest in potential drops in the Arbitrum network!
Let’s break down how Arbitrum works and of course, touch on the topic of drops in the ecosystem.

How Arbitrum Works

As Arbitrum is an optimistic rollup, it operates by verifying transactions off-chain before sending confirmation back to the blockchain.
The blockchain uses its own Arbitrum Virtual Machine (AVM), which resolves disputes in transactions using data throughput.
Key Advantages of Arbitrum:

  • No need for trust — as long as there is one participant in agreement and no multi-party transactions, the AVM will process any transactions.
  • Average TPS (transactions per second) for Ethereum pre-Dencun update was 15 transactions per second. Meanwhile, Arbitrum is capable of processing transactions up to 40,000 TPS. However, very soon, transaction speeds in both blockchains may multiply after a significant decrease in gas prices!
  • Compatibility: the Arbitrum blockchain is developer-friendly. It’s compatible with EVM and uses Solidity code without restrictions on compiler or version. There are also no gas limitations, so smart contract developers can take their projects to the next level.
  • Fast transaction finality: since in Arbitrum transactions are processed off-chain, its rollups significantly reduce transaction execution time and can be implemented via smart contracts.

The main advantage of Arbitrum over the identical rollup project Optimism lies in the fact that Arbitrum processes suspicious transactions off-chain and sends part of the transaction to the EVM. In contrast, Optimism sends the entire transaction through the EVM, which takes more time and raises security concerns.

Arbitrum Ecosystem

The native token of Arbitrum is $ARB.
Currently, the Total Value Locked (TVL) in the ecosystem stands at $3.4 billion, marking a record high in the blockchain’s history:
It’s worth noting that before the bull run of 2024, the number of developers in the network significantly increased, meaning it’s important to monitor the project’s ecosystem more closely and watch for the release of new products to not miss out on airdrops:
At the end of last year, Arbitrum DAO decided to introduce $ARB staking, sparking increased interest in its ecosystem.
You can choose the staking platform here:
The total token supply of $ARB is 10 billion. However, according to Arbitrum’s documentation, the supply may increase by no more than 0.2% per year.
Regarding tokenomics:
~45% is allocated to the DAO + Foundation, which are already financing many projects in the Arbitrum ecosystem
27% will go to the project team
17.5% is allocated to investors. Investor unlocks began in March 2024 and will continue until March 2027
11% is allocated to airdrops. The unlock from the airdrop has already been completed.

Arbitrum Airdrop History

The first public Arbitrum network was launched back in May 2021, demonstrating widespread success. By September 2021, Arbitrum had successfully deployed on the Ethereum network.
Throughout its history, Arbitrum has become one of the top projects with a significant airdrop, averaging $2,250 per account, totaling $16.8 billion at the current all-time high of the entire drop!
The criteria were straightforward: bridge funds into the network, accumulate transaction volume, and deploy smart contracts.
In total, 600,000 wallets received the airdrop. There were lucky recipients who received drops of up to $5,000!
Now let’s take a look at the ecosystem projects on the Arbitrum blockchain.

Arbitrum Nova

Arbitrum Nova is an L2 solution on the Arbitrum network designed for gaming and SocialFi projects.
The project’s TVL has reached $2 million, which is a good indicator in the Arbitrum ecosystem.
Regarding the project’s airdrop, it can be confidently stated that sooner or later it will happen, just like the main Arbitrum drop, and participants will be able to receive $ANOVA tokens.
Considering the upcoming halving and the bull run of 2024, as well as the active testing of the Nova network for almost a year now, there are chances to hear about the airdrop very soon.
To not miss the opportunity to potentially claim a significant NOVA drop, use AirdropHunter, which will handle all activities for you!


XAI is a GameFi project (L3) designed to integrate crypto trading into video games, where gamers can own valuable digital assets and exchange them in games.
The project focuses on account abstractions and uses its token $XAI for intranetwork calculations, fee payments, and more.
The majority of tokens are allocated to the community and node holders (50% with a supply of 2,500,000,000 tokens), so participating in the project and setting up a node would be beneficial.


1inch is a well-known protocol that has expanded its network as a DEX aggregator.
With the deployment of the network on Arbitrum, 1inch now offers faster and lower-cost transactions, improved UX, and accelerated fund withdrawals on the official Arbitrum bridge.
1inch’s airdrop already took place in 2021. Among the criteria were providing liquidity on Mooniswap and a minimum of 1 trade or a trading volume of $20. As a result, over 90% of wallets received more than 600 tokens, equivalent to $1,500 at a rate of $2.5.

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