The real

9 May 2023

Lankesh is the number one naughty boy in our school. Children will be expelled for simple reasons. It's not that children are the only ones who need to be bad. He was angry that Lankesh used to kill the animals and even the bushes. That day Lankesh got into a big fight with Vaibhav in our garden circle. So what! An angry Lankesh uprooted a whole sapling that had grown in our vapors.. Mahesh saw it and shouted loudly. Then Lankesh is waiting there for a while! As Gela ran away, all of us boys from the gardening group ran after him; But Lankesh found nothing. How to find! Knowing that these boys would make him a good booklun, he was sitting on a thick shirisha tree on the ground.

We are looking for ourselves! sought at school, at home, in the garden, at friends; But he found nothing. On the other night, his mother She asked 'Where is Lankesh?' That means Lankesh had not even reached home. Finally Nilesh said, “Go Where will you go? Will not come to school tomorrow! Let's see him then.' Then we all returned to our homes. There Lankesh was hiding on the Shirisha tree; But he didn't get a chance to get down. As he sat there, he fell asleep. After a while a forest fairy came out of the green leaves. She woke up Lankesh and said, “Lankesh, those children are under your watch. You wait to get down. Rather do this, you walk with me. Huh! hold my fingers Don't be afraid at all. Fly up. You will not fall at all. Oh I am forest fairy Parnavi. Do you walk or go? Look, a group of children is coming here! Lankesh grabbed the angel's finger without a second thought, what a surprise! He started flying. Parnavi took him very far. There were many rivers on the way. Big mountains and valleys came in the way. Lankesh did not know how many villages and how many forests he crossed. At last a dense forest appeared, as the fairy began to descend slowly. Par reached the bottom. There was her palace. As soon as Lankesh released Pari's finger, Pari clapped his hands. Seven or eight fairies came out and waited for Parnavi's command. Parnavi told them, “Take this Lankesh for a walk in the forest. Show me what goes on here." First came Neelampari. As soon as she held her finger, both of them started to fly. She flew up to the blue sky. There were seven or eight children the same size as Lankesh. She flew from the clouds to the trees on the mountains. Was jumping. His hands and feet were peeled off. She was tired. But they could not stop. Neelampari said to Lankesh, “These children are mischievous like you. They climb the trees and jump down. Then the vines on the trees, the fragile branches break. Trees are sad. They complained to Parnavi, so she punished these boys, so they jump like this."

Just then the mermaid came, Lankesh started flying holding the boat. She sang from the cloud into the deep valley. A huge waterfall was jumping into the valley from the gap between two mountains. That valley was so scary that even just looking at it would make you dizzy. From that deep valley, with big skulls on his head, as big as Lankesh Children were carrying water and putting it on the trees on the hilltop. Not only to climb the undulating climb, but with full hands on the head! Stones were piercing the bare feet.

Part 2

Besides, there is always fear of wild animals. The mermaid said, "These kids secretly leave people's faucets and theirs Fajiti does. Then their gardens do not get water. therefore Parnavi has given this punishment to him. " Just then Sonpari came. She grabbed Lankesh's boat and started flying. She landed in a big garden. Lankesh said in his mind, “Ahaha! What a beautiful garden! how many flowers The fruits are so low that they can be broken by hand. And all the fruits in one season! Mangoes, oranges, mosambi, chickpeas, grapes! The trees are just bent with juicy fruits! Lankesh was tempted and went near the mango. That's his When the attention was gone, he began to shake with fear. What did he see so!

In front of the thorny shrubs was good. Fadi Chopung, Panchadhari Chopung, Babul, Aloe and Sarat's Valley. He was running in the forest for eight times. Their hands and feet were burning. Sarat was infiltrated in the feet, while the bread of the acacia was beating them with thorny branches. The children who were bleeding were crying and crying; But they could not stop. The wounds were not taken into medicine, that the blood could not be wiped out. Sonpari said, "These children were hitting the fruit of the fruit and blood. Raw fruit used to be raw fruit. Lalpari came to Sonpari and stood. She took control of Lankesh. The two of them came to a flurry. In the garden, jasmine, mogar. Roses, Jai, Jui, Jaswandi, Anant, Brahmakamal were just as adorable! But now Lankesh was wise to experience. Not only did you go to the flower, but he was afraid to watch. What if he opened his eyes with a loud corner of his eyes with a loud eyes! He was lifting the petals with his hands with the flowers under the flower. He was taking away. The butterflies around them were scattered; But the kids could not call them. The fish chewing their faces swollen was Many could not even open their eyes. Lalpari said to Lankesh, who was trembling with fear, "See! How Parnavi has punished these children for scratching, pinching, crushing the flowers on the tree and throwing them away. She!” Lalpari brought Lankesh in front of Parnavi's palace Left it became secret. Lankesh was standing alone in the courtyard. Stunned as if frozen by seeing everything. Just then Parnavi came out of the palace and asked Lankesh, "Have you seen! How much punishment is given for cutting branches, throwing stones at trees, scratching flowers and crushing them! You have taken the life of the baby trees by uprooting them. You have deprived them of the opportunity to grow, blossom and bear fruit. Then what punishment will you be given? That You decide." Hearing Parnavi's speech, Lankesh started crying loudly. Dowry continued. Prostrated at Parnavi's feet and said, "Parnavitai, I was wrong. Very wrong, I will never disturb the trees from here. I will not throw stones, I will not scratch the flowers. I will take care of them. I will take care of them. Excuse me. Excuse me. Will you!"

It was early morning. Mine, Vaibhav's and Kunakuna's grandfather had gone for a walk in the field as usual. Next to them, Lankesh's knuckles fell. His grandfather warned him by splashing water on his face. Crying, he went to the plants planted by the Gardening Circle and with gentle hands he uprooted them and planted them back in their place. Watered them. From that day Lankesh became very wise. He became our friend. Then one day he told us the story of forest fairy Parnavi.

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