What Is Neutrino USD | Detailed Review

6 Feb 2024

Neutrino USD (USDN) stands as a beacon of innovation in the stablecoin arena, designed to counteract the volatility that plagues the cryptocurrency market. As an algorithmic stablecoin pegged to the US dollar and backed by WAVES, Neutrino USD offers an intriguing blend of stability and transparency, making it an attractive option for investors seeking refuge from market fluctuations. Explore the article with Guarda Wallet (https://grd.to/ref/guarda) to find out what USDN is. 

What Is Neutrino?

Neutrino USD, or USDN, differentiates itself from traditional fiat-backed stablecoins by leveraging cryptocurrency (WAVES) as its reserve. This setup ensures that all operational mechanisms are tuned to maintain a stable USDN price, fostering user confidence through unparalleled stability and transparency.

Exploring the Neutrino Protocol

At its core, the Neutrino protocol is a sophisticated framework for creating stablecoins linked to various real-world assets or cryptocurrencies. It operates on a suite of smart contracts written in the Ride programming language and deployed on the Waves blockchain, facilitating most interactions through the Waves.Exchange interface. The ecosystem revolves around three pivotal tokens: WAVES, USDN, and NSBT, each playing a crucial role in the protocol's functionality.
WAVES: The primary token of the Waves blockchain, used for transaction fees and acting as the collateral behind USDN.
USDN: An algorithmic stablecoin tied to the US dollar, it serves as the foundational asset within the Neutrino ecosystem.
NSBT: The Neutrino System Base Token, critical for recapitalization and governance, ensures the stability of USDN's collateral reserves.

The Mechanism in Action

USDN issuance is meticulously managed through a smart contract, requiring WAVES tokens as collateral in a 1:1 ratio to the US dollar. Users interact with the Neutrino smart contract to swap WAVES for USDN, or vice versa, facilitating a seamless exchange process. Notably, the system imposes a protocol fee for each swap, directly supporting the stability of the Neutrino ecosystem, with revenues distributed to NSBT stakers.

Neutrino USD's Unique Position

With its integration into the Ethereum network, USDN is poised to enhance its utility significantly. Ethereum users can earn incentives by holding USDN in their wallets, and developers are empowered to incorporate USDN into DeFi applications, broadening its applicability and appeal.

NSBT: The Stabilizing Force

NSBT stands out as a utility token designed to underpin the USDN supply's stability. Generated solely through smart contracts and a specialized auction algorithm, NSBT tokens are instrumental in managing the reserve's capitalization and balance. This dynamic ensures that NSBT's market value is driven by supply and demand, maintaining the ecosystem's equilibrium.

Ensuring Price Stability

The Neutrino protocol adeptly navigates market shifts, adjusting its reserves to maintain USDN's peg to the US dollar. In times of surplus, the system generates additional USDN to align with WAVES's capitalization, while deficits trigger NSBT auctions to bolster the reserve. This balanced approach ensures that USDN remains a steadfast and reliable asset within the volatile crypto market.


Neutrino USD emerges as a compelling solution to cryptocurrency market volatility, offering a stable and transparent alternative for investors. Its integration with Ethereum and the strategic use of NSBT tokens exemplify the innovative approaches to achieving stability in the digital asset space. As the crypto industry continues to evolve, Neutrino USD's role in fostering broader adoption and confidence in stablecoins becomes increasingly evident, positioning it as a cornerstone of the future financial landscape.

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