Manta Network launches the Manta New Paradigm

13 Jan 2024

Great news Manta Network launches the Manta New Paradigm, a cutting-edge Ethereum Layer 2 platform offering x5 PENTA Yield for ETH & Stablecoins. Backed by $60 million from prominent firms such as BinanceLabs0xPolygonLabs and LayerZero_Labs, it's the first of its kind in the DeFi space! 💎
Manta New Paradigm gains further momentum with an allocation of 50,000,000 $MANTA tokens for stakers, adding an extra 3% of its total supply and 2% in special rewards, marking a significant opportunity for enhanced earnings. Get ready to boost your crypto portfolio! 🔥
New Paradigm boosts Blast with faster access and more opportunities, unlocking native yields!

About Manta Pacific

Manta Pacific is the first Ethereum Layer 2 platform to integrate Celestia for Modular Data Availability. Designed for Zero-Knowledge (ZK) applications, it offers cost-effective solutions empowered by Manta’s Universal Circuits, setting new standards for blockchain performance.
Founded by Harvard & MIT experts, and in partnership w/ @Stake_Stone & @MountainUSDM, a fully regulated RWA entity, it allows users to deposit $USDC to receive wrapped $USDM, the first regulated yield-bearing stablecoin that earns its yield from US Treasury Bills.
How to join the Manta Pacific Airdrop?

Requirements to earn free crypto coins


Native blockchain

Step-by-Step Guide ''Manta Pacific - New Paradigm PENTA Yield & Airdrop''
Earn $MANTA token rewards and NFTs until Jan 2024 before the deposit period ends:

  1. Head over to the Manta New Paradigm platform to get started.
  2. Follow @MantaNetwork on Twitter, link your account, and sign in with Metamask.
  3. Bridge $ETH or $USDC to Manta Pacific to start earning PENTA Yield and $MANTA Token Rewards. This process will also yield Box Pieces over time based on the bridged amount.
  4. Within 24 hours of bridging, you'll receive $STONE for ETH deposits or wrapped $USDM for USDC deposits on Manta Pacific L2.
  5. Invite others to earn 16% of their rewards and 8% of their invites' earnings.
  6. Check your Treasure Chests, which have NFTs with bonus Airdrop allocation.

▪️ Withdrawals of ETH and USDC from STONE and wUSDM are enabled after 69 days.
🔱 Join the Manta Takeover Raffle by Dec 27 to crack open the Manta Treasure Boxes.
* Check out the Manta Galxe space and Manta Zealy quests to earn additional rewards.

* When using ÐApps, remember that your digital assets' security is solely your responsibility!

** Stay tuned with @AirdropAlertcom 🔔 the original and first-ever Airdrop platform globally, consistently offering premier Airdrop opportunities since 2017 with love ❤️ and dedication. 
Disclaimer: This content is for educational and informational purposes only and not financial advice. Conduct thorough research before making any investment decisions (DYOR).

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