30 Signs Your Relationship Won’t Last Part 2.

16 Feb 2024

6.They communicate infrequently
People want to feel like their partner prioritizes them, and if yours isn’t communicating with you as frequently as you’d like, that could be a bad sign. It’s not uncommon to have a busy schedule, but research shows that satisfaction with overall communication frequency is related to satisfaction with one’s overall relationship.
7.They make jokes at your expense
Couples who have been together for a while often poke fun of each other in cute and endearing ways. But if your significant other frequently makes mean jokes at your expense, hurt feelings are bound to create a wedge between you.
8.You don’t like their friends
Your relationship might be heading for troubled waters if you find that you don’t like your partner’s friends. The people we spend our time with say a lot about our character, and if you don’t like your partner’s friends, chances are there’s something about your partner’s character you won’t end up liking either. It’s equally unfavourable if their friends don’t like you or your friends don’t like your partner.
9.They don’t accept your faults
The longer you’re in a relationship, the more likely you are to let your guard down and show the real you, warts and all. If your partner can’t accept your faults—and there are times when they should—your coupling likely won’t last.
10.You can’t accept their flaws
If you find that your partner’s flaws are starting to wear on you and you just can’t accept them (e.g., if leaving empty cups all over the apartment isn’t cute anymore), don’t expect your relationship to last, as you’ll likely be fighting over the same little things over and over.
Next part 3..

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