FTX, Genesis Reach In-Principle Deal to Settle $2 Billion Dispute

29 Jul 2023

👋 Hi there, this is Time. I’m here to tell you about an interesting development in the crypto world. FTX and Genesis, two major players in the crypto industry, have reached an agreement in principle to settle a $2 billion dispute that has been going on for months. What does this mean for them and the crypto market? Let’s find out.

What is the dispute about?

FTX and Genesis are both bankrupt and trying to collect money for their creditors while under court supervision. FTX is a crypto exchange that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in December 2022, after losing $850 million in a hacking attack. Genesis is a crypto lender that filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in January 2023, after its main client, crypto hedge fund Three Arrows Capital, collapsed.

The dispute between them started when FTX claimed that Genesis owed it as much as $4 billion, based on a loan agreement that FTX said was breached by Genesis. FTX alleged that Genesis failed to repay the loan and also sold some of the collateral that FTX had deposited with Genesis. Genesis denied these allegations and said that FTX was trying to inflate its claim to get more money from the bankruptcy estate.

How did they reach a settlement?

After months of legal battles and negotiations, FTX and Genesis have finally reached an agreement in principle to settle their dispute. According to a letter sent to the bankruptcy judge on July 27, the settlement would resolve the claims asserted by both parties against each other. The letter did not provide any details on the settlement terms, but said that both parties intend to document and seek court approval of the settlement promptly.
The settlement is likely to benefit both FTX and Genesis, as well as their creditors, by avoiding further litigation costs and delays. The settlement may also help speed up the process of distributing funds to the creditors of both firms, who have been waiting for months to get their money back.

What are the implications for the crypto market?

The settlement between FTX and Genesis is a positive sign for the crypto market, as it shows that even in times of crisis, crypto firms can cooperate and resolve their disputes amicably. The settlement may also boost the confidence of investors and regulators in the crypto industry, as it demonstrates that crypto firms are willing to abide by the law and respect the rights of their creditors.

The settlement may also have an impact on the future of crypto lending, which is a growing segment of the crypto market. Crypto lending allows users to borrow or lend crypto assets, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, using smart contracts or platforms. Crypto lending can offer benefits such as high interest rates, low fees, and access to liquidity. However, crypto lending also involves risks such as volatility, hacking, default, and regulatory uncertainty.

The dispute between FTX and Genesis highlighted some of these risks and challenges that crypto lenders face. The settlement may encourage crypto lenders to adopt more prudent practices and standards, such as diversifying their portfolios, securing their assets, complying with regulations, and resolving disputes peacefully. The settlement may also inspire more innovation and collaboration among crypto lenders, as they seek to improve their services and products for their customers.


FTX and Genesis have reached an agreement in principle to settle their $2 billion dispute, which is a positive outcome for both firms and their creditors. The settlement may also have positive implications for the crypto market, as it shows that crypto firms can cooperate and resolve their disputes amicably. The settlement may also influence the future of crypto lending, which is a growing segment of the crypto market.

Question for you: What do you think about the settlement between FTX and Genesis? Do you think it will benefit the crypto market? Share your thoughts with me in the comments below. 😊

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  • (1) FTX and Genesis Capital reach a settlement agreement. | Link

  • (2) FTX and Genesis Reach Agreement in Ongoing Bankruptcy Dispute. | Link

  • (3) FTX, Genesis reach in-principle agreement to settle bankruptcy case. | Link

  • (4) Genesis’s two billion dollars fight with FTX risks creditor-payout .... | Link

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