24 Dec 2023

Solana New ATH!!!

Approximately, in January, the airdrop token on the SOL network will be make $1000+. I hope $JUP will be make it.$Jup will launch in Jan, and we will do it together as a community.

Why together? Cause it's more fun together, and cats like to have are millions out there desperate for access to decentralized money, and Jupiter on Solana seems like the best tech to give it to them. I see it everyday now. If any DEX can provide global ATM access somehow, that's the killer app that onboards the next billion users.The potential for human collaboration are so unlimited & money is such a powerful coordination mechanism that I’ll prob commit a huge chunk of my life to explore what new money systems can do to solve world problems.

I think that’s how we actually solve world hunger, with new participatory voluntary money systems, not with giant fake ass foundations controlling old enforced limited ones.

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