The Dreamer

22 Dec 2023

Start a life before you dream of living a healthy life.
lLife as we know it is short, everyone having expectations, dreaming bigger than they could ever be, cause why not dreams aren’t meant to be limited. But what if I told you your dreams would never come true, sorry I’m gonna paraphrase that what if I told you your dreams will never come true with some actions from you. If you dream to be a renowned physician get dirty with your books, read that grey’s anatomy textbook, or if you dream to be a successful trader, read and study those candlesticks.
Just be intentional in your dream actualization, be persistent and exercise grit in its full potential.
What I would say to you is Dream Big, Work harder, Dream small, Relax better.
I hope you find out that the dreamer in you can also be the great achiever you have also suppressed.

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