The Fairy Tale of Little Red Riding Hood

23 Mar 2024
Little Red Riding Hood is a European folk tale based on events between a little girl and a wolf. The first known published version of the tale based on oral literature is in French storyteller Charles Perrault's book The Tales of Mother Goose, published in 1697.

The Fairy Tale of Little Red Riding Hood

Once upon a time there was a little girl. She always wore a red hooded cloak. That's why everyone called her Little Red Riding Hood.

One day, Little Red Riding Hood had a craving for the famous cookies her father made. He and his father went into the kitchen and made cookies together. As soon as the cookies came out of the oven, wonderful smells filled the kitchen. Little Red Riding Hood's mother came to them and said, “Your grandmother loves these cookies too, but you know that she is very old and sick now. He can't come here. "Come on, take it to him," she said.

Little Red Riding Hood's mother and father put the cookies in a basket and strictly warned: “Always follow the forest path, do not take another path. “You will see your grandmother's house at the end of the road.”

Little Red Riding Hood put the basket on her arm and set off towards her grandmother's house. While driving on the forest road, the sweet smell of cookies mixed with the scent of daisies. While she was walking joyfully, she suddenly heard a voice from far away. She listened carefully. These sounds sounded like children's screams to him. She thought they might need help and started running towards it.

When he got closer, he realized that those sounds were actually the screams of joy made by children while playing. Five girls were running and playing in the forest, singing songs.

When they saw Little Red Riding Hood, they invited her to their games. She put the basket full of cookies aside and started playing with them. They played hide and seek and sang songs together.

Little Red Riding Hood was checking her basket from time to time. What should he see while they are playing ball! A big brown wolf was sniffing the cookie basket.

Little Red Riding Hood immediately ran and took the basket from the wolf.

“I'm sorry, but I can't give this to you,” he said.

What's in the basket? "They smell so good, can't I eat them?" asked the wolf.

“These are the cookies we made with my father. “I promised to take them all to my grandmother who lives at the end of the forest road.”

When the wolf realized he couldn't get the cookies, he walked away.

As the sun was about to set, Little Red Riding Hood suddenly said, “Oh! I wasted too much. I should have taken the cookies to my grandmother. "I shouldn't have left the forest path," he became alarmed.

The girls said, "Let's take you, we know all the roads here." They all set off together.

When they arrived at her grandmother's house, they said goodbye to each other and parted. Little Red Riding Hood opened the door and entered. The wolf was lying on the bed, wearing his grandmother's nightgown, his cap and glasses. He closed the curtains so that it would be dark inside and the girl would not recognize him.

“Thank you for getting tired and bringing me food, my dear,” he said, trying to make his voice sound like his grandmother's.

Little Red Riding Hood didn't get too close to the bed because she realized it was a wolf. She immediately made a plan.

He decided to ask surprising questions to reveal the wolf's trick.

Why are your arms so long, grandma?” he asked.
“To embrace you better,” replied the wolf.
“So why are your ears so big?”
“To hear you better.”
“So why are your eyes so big?”
"To see you better."
“Why are your teeth so sharp, grandma?”
“To be able to eat the cookies better,” said the wolf Ven, jumping out of bed. He jumped on the basket in the girl's hand.

Little Red Riding Hood, "Help!" He started shouting.

Since the girls had not gone far yet, they heard the voices. They ran back to help their friends. They looked in the window. When they saw Little Red Riding Hood being pulled from one end of the basket and a huge wolf pulling from the other end, they entered the room saying, "Let's save Little Red Riding Hood from the hands of the wolf together."

They surrounded the wolf. One of the girls touched the wolf's back and said, "Do you know which is the highest mountain in the world?" she asked.

The wolf turned to him in surprise. “Mount Everest,” cried the other girl and touched the wolf's back.

This time the wolf turned towards him. “So where do penguins live?” said another.

The wolf turned his head to where the question came from and remained silent because he did not know the answer. “At the South Pole,” they all shouted at the same time. The youngest daughter touched the wolf and said, "Did you know that kangaroos carry their babies in their pouches?" she asked.

The wolf finally got tired of the questions he didn't know the answers to, the girls touching him and running away, and spinning around himself, and collapsed on the ground.

Tell my grandmother what you did right away,” said Little Red Riding Hood.
Kurt said in a sad voice,

“All I wanted was cookies. I've been hungry for days. I didn't do anything to your grandmother, she lives downstairs in the cellar. When you said you would bring the basket here in the forest, I came before you and disguised myself as him. "I played such a game to eat the cookies," he admitted.

Little Red Riding Hood went down to the cellar, found her grandmother and hugged her. They came back to the room. Little Red Riding Hood turned to the wolf and said, “I wish you had told me that you were hungry when we met in the forest. Of course I would share my cookies with you. “I thought you wanted them out of greed,” he said and took the basket and distributed the cookies inside to everyone. She gave the most to the wolf. When everyone was fed, they set out to go home. Little Red Riding Hood promised that whenever she baked these beautiful cookies with her father, she would bring them for her playmates and the wolf.

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