4 Most Influential Moments in the Crypto World 2023

29 Dec 2023

The crypto world is always full of surprises and 2023 is no exception. From shocking lawsuits to bold market-changing decisions, here's a roundup of the news that rocked the crypto world and probably your portfolio too. Check out this roundup of the 4 most influential moments in crypto that happened in 2023!

Kraken vs SEC: The Inevitable Regulatory Fight

course : Gary Gensler
The SEC has charged Kraken for providing staking services without proper registration. This raises a big question in the crypto community: is staking legal or are we just talking about steaks at the dinner table? Kraken, known as one of the largest crypto exchanges, now has to face the consequences of their actions. This case has sparked widespread discussion about the role of regulation in the crypto industry. Many argue that legal clarity is urgently needed for the future of crypto, while others worry that overly strict regulation could stifle innovation. Either way, the outcome of this fight will largely determine the direction of the crypto market going forward.

BlackRock Leads Crypto ETFs: New Hope for Investors

course : Eric Balchunas
BlackRock, the asset management giant, has launched a spot Bitcoin ETF that is a catalyst for the nascent crypto market. This is a big step for the industry, as ETFs allow traditional investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin without having to buy and hold crypto directly.

course:James Seyffart
Not long after, BlackRock also announced plans for a spot Ethereum ETF. This shows their commitment to crypto and gives a positive signal to investors who have been looking forward to a more diversified crypto investment product. With this move, BlackRock not only strengthens their position in the crypto market, but also opens the door for more institutional funds to jump in.

El Salvador becomes the first country to legalize Bitcoin as a means of payment course : Nayib Bukele

El Salvador, the first country to make Bitcoin a legal means of payment, is finally seeing their Bitcoin investment in green. After facing a lot of criticism and market volatility, the country's courage in adopting crypto is starting to pay off. This could serve as an example for other countries considering following El Salvador's lead.

CZ Resigns from Binance

course : CZ Binance
On the other hand, Changpeng Zhao, the founder of Binance, has announced his resignation. This comes as a surprise to many, considering Binance is one of the largest crypto exchanges in the world. However, this move also opens a new chapter for Binance, which will probably see a change in strategy or even more innovation under new leadership. Read more in Binance CEO Resigns and Pleads Guilty, Billion Dollar Fine Awaits! The year 2023 has been a tumultuous yet hopeful one for the crypto world. From decisive legal battles to innovative measures that pave the way for the future, the industry continues to show its resilience and appeal. For those of you involved in the crypto market, it's an exciting time to be witness to history being written. Follow us on Google News for the latest crypto news. Turn on notifications so you don't miss out.

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